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Showing posts from June, 2020

How to effectively use your time during lockdown ?

It's not about having TIME.It's about using TIME !!!  Time is Gold.An inch of time is an inch of gold,but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.Time is more precious than gold.We can buy gold by money but we cannot buy or get our wasted time.Our wasted time is wasted.It cannot come.We cannot stop time and time cannot wait for us.What things that we are focusing today will help for future and career. Will Gaming or Playing saves your career? Students are wasting their time by playing indoor games ,outdoor games ,mobile games and surfing internet,chat with friends ,neighbors etc.,Is the time used for playing or gaming will help to career or future.What we focus on today will help for your future.Always remember your focus determines your reality.Time is so precious which is more precious than gold and money so don't waste your time on useless things.Time is not main thing .It's a only thing. Concentrate on your studies ,learn more things ,more good tho

How Can I Learn Computer Courses Online ?

Online options to learn:Its not Difficult as you think. Welcome to the place of career counselling blog with helpful articles relates to career,education,and Business.Providing career counselling to school students,undergraduates,graduates and business women.We are preparing our students to success in their academics and helping to choose a right job. Why Education is extremely important in Life? · Education is indestructible wealth. · One Should not be appreciated if he is uneducated. · Education can overcome any hardship easily. · Education is fundamental to the growth and development of a country. · With the development of this education, a country can embrace resources. · A Good Education is a foundation for better future. Likewise,we can tell more about the importance of education. Is Indian Education is GOOD? Education system in India is not so good as compared to other countries. Indian education focuses more on theory rather than practical. Indian education system doesn't a