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How to learn Python in 30 days - Skifter Education

What is Python ?

As you know, now-a-days the companies of every fields are going digital to save their time, helping to find new customers, to make efficient moves and, thereby, to get ahead of their competitors.So that there are so many programming languages available which helps companies for digital transformations.So many top programming languages are there.

Python is one of the high-level, general-purpose programming languages that is easy to use, comprehensive and powerful.An experienced programmer in any programming language can pick up Python very quickly. It's also easy for beginners to use and learn.

Reasons to learn Python language:

There are so many reasons for why should you learn Python.Here are the top reasons to learn python in 2020,

  • Simple and easy to understand syntax.
  • Portable & Extensible.
  • Works on distinct platforms like Mac, Linux, Windows, Mac, Raspberry Pi, and more.
  • Executes on interpreter system.
  • Python supports testing.
  • Prototyping can be highly swift.
  • Use it functionally or proceduraly.
  • Syntax that allows developers to write programs quickly in fewer lines compared to others.

What is the functioning of Python?

  1. It can be connected to database systems to read and amend files.
  2. It is used to manage big data and also to perform complicated mathematics.
  3. It is also used on a server to establish website applications.
  4. Python used for rapid prototyping and ready software development.
  5. It is used equally with software to develop workflows.
What are all the Applications of Phyton?
Python can be used on the following:
1. Multiple Programming Paradigms.
2. Data Science.
3. Web Testing.
4. Data Extraction.
5. Scripting & Automation.
6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science Researches.
7. Web Application and Internet Development.
8. Big Data.
9. Database Easy Access, Interface Customization, and Quick System Integration.
10. Cyber-security.

Thus, the Python programming language.Start learning python certified course which is highly recommended to get placed in top IT companies easily.Join our Online learning program now.If you’re interested in learning more about python language, visit our website:


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